Social Media Impact on Business
Leaders must find creative ways to engage with various stakeholder groups. With this being the information age, everyone is seeking knowledge as quickly as possible. Think about it for a second. While engaged in a conversation, how often will a person pick up their phone to get information off of it or to Google the answer to a question? Everything is right at the fingertips, just a few keystrokes away. In fact, even professional communication has been toppled by the use of technology, such as social networks, blogs and text messaging (Barrett, 2014). So, why not actively seek ways to leverage technology to benefit the organization? When proper communication strategies are put in place to leverage technology, more specifically, social media, companies have seen increased revenues, visibility and control of reputation (Diana-Jens & Ruibal, 2015, pp. 454).
Think about an ideal client for a particular industry, for example the hotel industry. Does that ideal client use the Internet? Does that client look to gain broader knowledge about the hotel before making a decision to reserve a room? Will the ideal client utilize their phone to make their final selection? Chances are the answers will be yes to all of those questions. According to an article written on Travel Agent Central website, 72% of all bookings are done through a mobile device within 48 hours of check in (Newdesk, 2017). Now, there will be several suitable options in an area. A hotel must differentiate itself from the competitors in the surrounding area and one way to do so is to create a social media presence.
Facts About Social Media
Most likely, social media is a channel used to research different hotels. Here’s why, it has already been identified that the vast majority of bookings are done online through a mobile device. It is also recorded that 74% of online adults utilize social media. In fact, the vast majority of adults, 71% of those who are online, utilize Facebook according to research conducted in 2014. Social media platforms range in usability and functionality. However, at its core it social media is described as a group of Internet based application that allows the creation and exchange of user generated information (Sihi, 2017, pp. 1). Knowing that the ideal client is an online user, the benefits of creating a presence on social media can benefit the company if the leadership team is strategic about the use of these platforms to share information.
In the hotel industry, many hoteliers have begun using social media to position their hotels in front of their customers. There are many online platforms to engage with the customers differently and at the top of the search when looking for hotel ratings is TripAdvisor. This platform allows a traveler to read the latest reviews, find the lowest prices and arrange for travel all in one location. Travelers can get real time information and reviews on their final destination choices. A hotel that would like to focus on increasing their online presence can asks their loyal and happy guests for positive ratings on TripAdvisor. Being intentional about getting positive reviews can move the hotel to the top of the list in that area. Consequently, a weakly managed profile can lead to an accumulation of poor reviews and lower rankings. The team must manages feedback and interact with care.
Since Facebook was identified as the most used social site, a strategy to create a captivating presence there would also be advantageous. Many people who are traveling to a specific area often ask local groups for recommendations. Again, creating and managing this platform will give the consumer engaging information about their destination. With Facebook, the marketing team can add professional images of the property, share intriguing specials to the locals who are looking for a staycation, and packages to entice the traveler. Within Facebook, the team can also create ads and target specific demographics. These can all be strategies used to increase revenues, drive engagement and increase the hotel’s visibility.
People are hooked on information and they have it right at their grasps. Through social media, companies have the ability to generate and share the information that they want the consumer to know. Additionally, social media has been used to move a company forward, setting the company apart from its competitors. If it is leveraged correctly, technology can be beneficial to organizational success by controlling the company’s narrative and reputation through various online platforms. Consider using a social media platform to share and exchange information with the consumer.
About Author
Angela Garmon, with ARG Coaching and Consulting Group, works with organizational leaders, who are overwhelmed and frustrated with changes in their organizations. These leaders want to bring their team together and produce results. Connect with us to discuss some viable solutions to move your team closer to their goals
Barrett, D. (2014). Leadership Communication, 4th Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from
Diana-Jens, P., & Ruibal, A. R. (2015). Online Reputation And Its Impact On Hotel Pricing Strategies. Cuadernos De Turismo, (36), 453-456. Retrieved from
Newsdesk (2017). Stats: Hotel Bookings on Mobile Devices up 67 percent. Travel Agent Central. Retrieved from
Sihi, D. (2017). The Influence of Leadership and Strategic Emphasis on Social Media Use of Regional Nonprofit Organizations. International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA), 4(1), 1-18. doi:10.4018/IJPADA.2017010101